Training at the heart of the systems
The IDC offers training to support teams.
It’s about putting teams to work together in order to create a dynamic that benefits the institution.
Tailor-made training
It is necessary to take your expectations into account because the challenges of your institution seem essential to us in order to make a difference.
Adapted training
The training offered in INTER is accessible if necessary to people with reduced mobility. In INTRA, if your employees are in a situation of disability or temporary difficulty, inform us of the consequences to adapt our interventions as far as possible.
Sequenced training
Nothing is more relevant than training in several parts: two, three or four sequences allow teams to get moving between meetings and experiment with new ways of approaching work.
Training that improves practices
The theory constitutes a benchmark, but it is the practice which forms the experience. Strategies, tools and exercises are offered as well as an analysis of practices or supervision of the work.
Evaluated training
All our interventions are evaluated upstream (expectations of the initial applicant then of the trainees, positioning, evaluation of acquired knowledge) and downstream (satisfaction questionnaire, complaints if necessary) with evaluation of progress by multiple choice questions.

The quality certification known as “QUALIOPI” was delivered to the Institut du Comment for its training activities. To download the certificate, click here.
Learning this is no longer about sitting down for 8 hours and listening...
INTRA trainings
Training in INTRA We offer training for your teams, in your institution (price on quote) : INTRA
Objectives: Quickly identify the issues, institutional decryption, verification of mastery of basic tools, avoid missteps, identify resource people.
Objectives: Quickly identify management issues. Decipher the functioning of subordinates, difficult personalities and team dynamics. Learn to position yourself favorably by moving resistance.
Objectives: Clarify our relationship with time and optimize our use of time by integrating the constraints, tools and security necessary for psychosocial risks.
Objectives: Understand your system, manage your structure by identifying your power to act and your room for maneuver. Analyze the issues.
Child protection
Objectives: Understand the organization of child protection, the place of multiple actors and their involvement. Find your way around the child protection system, understand its mechanisms and possibilities.
Objectives: Present and illustrate the different systemic principles useful for reading and systemic intervention in child protection.
Objectives: Know how to navigate a situation where children are in danger or at risk of being so. Discern the postures that will help identify family problems. Shift from the symptom designation.
Objectives: Acquire evaluator skills specific to special education, taking into account the requirements of the legal framework (Law 2002-2 and 2008-293, 2016-297 and HAS recommendations).
Objectives: Allow the expression of the “power to act” of the beneficiaries of a child protection measure.
Objectives: Understand the issues of family placement, assimilate family assistants as partners or colleagues. Understand the place and roles of family assistants as a lever for working with the child and their family.
Objectives: Raise awareness of the issues of multiple disabilities.
Objectives: Present the singularities of the audiences concerned, explain the role of professionals in supporting them, discuss and work on the risks and challenges of educational missions.
INTER trainings
We offer training for professionals from several institutions (location to be defined) : INTER
Psychology, psychiatry & psychothérapy
Objectives: Identify your therapeutic style, your strengths and weaknesses. Reflect on the framework put in place and its impact in terms of the therapeutic process. Learn to position yourself in a favorable way by moving resistance by working on those of the therapist.
Objectifs : Apprendre à observer une situation à travers le prisme de la systémie. Saisir les concepts, leurs liens et leurs complexités. Appréhender les enjeux d’une démarche systémique. Expérimenter sa posture dans des systèmes.
Among 90 respondents during our last executive seminar/training:
100% of respondents found the interventions constructive and enriching
97.8% appreciated the duration of our interventions
The score of 8/10 is awarded in terms of overall satisfaction of the day.
Among 19 respondents during our last training “Towards an integrative approach in psychotherapy”
100% of respondents recommend this training
Regarding the usefulness of the training, 48% were satisfied and 52% very satisfied
Regarding the quality of its animation, 42% were satisfied and 58% very satisfied.
The general atmosphere: 53% were satisfied and 58% very satisfied.
Parmi 15 répondants lors de notre dernière formation "Les écrits professionnels" :
54% ont été satisfaits et 46% sont ont été très satisfaits.
100% recommanderaient cette formation à d'autres personnes et seraient intéressés à suivre une nouvelle formation de l'IDC.
Parmi 10 répondants lors de notre dernière formation "Risques et leviers thérapeutiques en protection de l'enfance et dans le handicap" :
10% ont été satisfaits et 90% sont ont été très satisfaits de l'écoute et la disponibilité de nos formatrices. 100% estiment que la formation a été utile.
100% recommanderaient cette formation à d'autres personnes et 90% seraient intéressés à suivre une nouvelle formation de l'IDC.


Interview par Julien Besse : https://www.julienbesse.com/
Conférence enregistrée à Montpellier le vendredi 17 mars 2023.
Recorded conference at Tournan-en-Brie (77220) the 5th February 2019 at 8.00pm.
Recording by Tildigital : https://www.tildigital.com
Conference in Paris on Tuesday December 6, 2022 at 7 p.m.
Recording of the extract by Eikon: https://www.instagram.com/eikon8/
A vision of the Institute about a theatrical experience of transmission
The Institut du Comment thanks Showson for his work of recording and editing: https://showson.fr/
The training of support professionals is an issue, with specificities relating to the practice of child protection. Beyond a modern vision which would like to be centered on the expertise of the symptom and which seems to us a decoy, it seems relevant to us that professionals can perceive their involvement in the future of children via the systemic approach in order to activate a process. To do this, we have proposed that prototypical scenes of professional life in a theater be experimented and analyzed. The work of becoming aware of the emotions and the relational dynamics that takes place in a meeting is a fundamental lever allowing you to avoid being the support for repetitions. In doing so, we even believe that it is the prerequisite for bringing out creativity by embodying the uncertainty necessary for a real encounter.
The Institut du Comment thanks Showson for his work of recording and editing: https://showson.fr/
Why the theatre? To play a professional situation, take a break, replay it, analyze it, dissect it. Trying to understand that it is my share of responsibility? What is the other. Get out of theories. Test the terrain. Take a step back from a situation. Seek the right balance between me, the other, our stories and our emotions. Experiment collectively, interact, have the opportunity to start again. Let the magic happen… learn…
The Institut du Comment thanks Showson for his work of recording and editing: https://showson.fr/
“Theatre is one of those hives where the honey of the visible is transformed into the invisible. ” Louis Jouvet / The disembodied actor.
The training of support professionals is an issue, with specificities relating to the practice of child protection. Beyond a modern vision which would like to be centered on the expertise of the symptom and which seems to us a decoy, it seems relevant to us that the professionals can perceive their implication in the future of the children via the systemic approach in order to activate a process. To do this, we have proposed that prototypical scenes of professional life in a theater be experimented and analyzed. The work of becoming aware of the emotions and the relational dynamics that takes place in a meeting is a fundamental lever allowing you to avoid being the support for repetitions. In doing so, we even believe that it is the prerequisite for bringing out creativity by embodying the uncertainty necessary for a real encounter.
The Institut du Comment thanks Showson for his work of recording and editing: https://showson.fr/